
The Reviews Are In!

The Two-Headed Lady at the End of the World (Montag Press 2022) Mark Miller’s The Two-Headed Lady at the End of the World is an absurdist romp that ties together conjoined twins, mad gay love in underground nuclear bunkers, Yugos, sentient CPU’s, the 1980s, and the tribulations of young romance when you’re two girls in one body. … Continue reading The Reviews Are In!

The Id of Online Dating

Me on dating sites:I'm a simple man with simple needs. I have a steady job and a creative streak and am looking for a tattooed artist muse/enabler into hallucinogens, graveyards, avant garde music, who's non-monogamous by default and has piercings, kink-friendly inclinations, and esoteric spiritual beliefs. Would be a total bonus if your compassion and … Continue reading The Id of Online Dating